Open School Unveils 50th Anniversary Mural with a Growl

November 2, 2021 Lakewood, CO

Open School Unveils 50th Anniversary Mural with a Growl

It is with great excitement that the Jefferson County Open School (JCOS) announces the unveiling of a celebratory piece of public art titled “50 Years of Community and Exploration” . This beautiful mural adorns the south and west sides of the school at its 7655 West 10th Ave location in Lakewood and was conceived of as a celebration of the school’s 50th Anniversary. While Covid delayed the completion of the project, we are honored to unveil the mural on November 19, 2021 from 4:00-6:00 PM. The celebration is designed to bring together alumni, former staff, and community members who have been touched by the school's positive influence. Live music, speakers, and food trucks will be available during the event.

The Jefferson County Open School is the original Jefferson County School District option school. Founded in 1970 by a dedicated group of parents, the Open School has provided a viable, vibrant, and life changing alternative to conventional schooling. JCOS features a Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade environment with multi-age groupings throughout the school. At all levels students work closely with their Advisor in the development of their personal curriculum. Both individually and in groups, Advising is about developing strong, caring relationships between adults and students, and between students and students. JCOS is committed to preserving educational choices for all students and parents. In the face of increasing standardization, our emphasis on personal, social, and intellectual development helps to prepare students for an ever-changing world.

As a model for other innovative learning structures across the country, JCOS not only provides a meaningful learning community for its students, the school has opened its doors to educators from across the country and internationally to share the theory and practices guided by the philosophy of the school. Self-directed learning through self-reliance, responsibility and shared decision-making has cultivated young minds to succeed in countless avenues of life. By fostering the unique potential within each person who experiences the Open School, we seek to develop a life-long love of learning and an internal desire to create the world that ought to be.

As a community with a deep commitment to the arts, the mural is also a dedication to the betterment of the greater community through patronage to public art. Galen Shoe, Open School Alumni and parent of current students, has led the team of talented artists: Rath ( and student artist, Jayden Clark to make this amazing project a reality. We are lucky to have such a talented and dedicated team of artists who experienced the joy of learning that comes first hand through the experience of our students and alumni. We are eternally grateful to Galen for this amazing contribution to the community.

Press Contact: Nina Telthorst
Phone: 314.620.8767

"We learn by example and by direct experience because there are real limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction."

-Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, 2005