40 West Arts: Equity in the Arts Committee
40 West Arts recognizes that public art and event performances should be selected by the communities where they are intended to bring impact. The Equity in the Arts committee is made up of representatives with direct ties to the Jefferson County region. Additionally, 40 West Arts seeks to promote those voices that have been historically marginalized. 40 West Arts believes that a diversity of voices at the table will ensure more equitability and inclusion in the artists and artworks that are chosen to represent our community. Equity Committee members are paid an annual stipend, and manage a budget to bring experiences, artist groups, speakers and other to the district. The committee also selects many of the public art installations that are chosen annually.
Beth Burczyk
I'm Beth Burczyk (Bur'-sick), and I am honored to be a part of the 2022/23 Equity Art Selection Committee. I am delighted one of my photos has been selected to be used by the 2022 Lakewood Recreation Monday Mile Challenge. I live in Lakewood, and I work at the Green Mountain ARC Thrift Store. I am an ARC Thrift ambassador and received the 2016 ARC Thrift Stores Hero of the Year award. In 2013, I modeled in the Global Down Syndrome Foundation's Be Beautiful Be Yourself fashion show, and in 2019 modeled for the Developmental Disabilities Resource Center fashion show. I graduated from Red Rocks Community College with certificates in Stagehand Basics and Costume Basics. I act with Colorado ACTS S.N.A.P. program, and my favorite role so far is the Wicked Witch of the West because I wore green make-up and melted. Our family likes to travel. For my thirtieth birthday, I traveled through the Panama Canal. My favorite trip so far is viewing box five in Opera Garnier. I want you to know me and see what I can do.
John Franca
My name is John Franca and here’s a little something about me. I’ve lived around here in Colorado my entire life. When I was younger I lived in Greeley on a farm and worked there as well. I helped my uncle with the irrigation of the fields. I went to 12 years of schooling in Adams county in the Mapleton school district. I did a little mechanical studying there. Then once I graduated, I went to work on a farm in Yuma Colorado. What I really enjoyed doing was helping out at the Stockyards in Denver. I worked full 8 hour days feeding and branding cattle. I came to learn a lot about cattle and beef! After that I entered into line work. I kept a good stream of steady jobs including dishwasher maintenance and also custodial work at the School of Mines. My favorite pastimes are woodworking and creating fashionable leather-like jewelry and belts. I started leather-working back in 1962. I stopped into the store called Tandy Leather and got all the tools that I needed -I’ve been making things ever since. I always liked doing things with my hands, and it was around 2008 that I took up making something with a couple of pieces of two by fours. Since then I’ve been crafting a few things and I also really enjoy watching wood shows on TV as well as online. I downloaded a few wood-making applications on my iPad from that I spend time coming up with ideas for my own creations. I like to keep myself busy with creating things and I really enjoy current news and history as well. Ask me any about my historical facts that have to do with Colorado, I bet you I can answer any of them?!
Julliana Garcia
My name is Julliana Garcia, my pronouns are she/her/ella. I am super excited to be a part of this wonderful committee! I was born and raised in Lima, Peru, moved to the States, since then Lakewood has been my home for the last two decades. I have been involved in my community for several years now, whether it is chairing performances for the Jeffco Public Schools Intercultural Fair, chairing the Diversity and Inclusion committee at The Action Center, being a community member of the RRCC Equity and Inclusion council, or volunteering at community schools/organizations in whatever I can collaborate with. We all communicate our emotions, feelings, and thoughts in different ways, one can do it through music, another with drawing, and another with writing beautiful things, etc. I truly believe we need to empower our community members to express themselves, to be who they are, to be comfortable, to be free sharing their art, that’s the reason I am part of this amazing project, to be the voice of my community.
Monique Left Hand Bull
My name is Monique Marie Left Hand Bull and I am an Indigenous educator & sCHOLAr, you can't spell scholar without Chola. A first-gen college student, and a graduate of MSU Denver. I have over ten years of experience working with youth and young people in underserved communities. One of the biggest focuses of my work is on diversity, equity, and inclusion. My family and I strive to set the example of a positive and healthy family unit through culturally-based family activities, community support, and social change. Activities include Pow Wows, Jeffco Indian Education, and Danza (Aztec Dancing). In my past, I have worked for a non-profit that continuously showcased artists and artwork from the metro area and surrounding communities. During my time at Cafe Cultura, We presented the Denver community with different types of art mediums and supported social change. I absolutely support the art community and constantly advise Ralph to get more and more involved in the art scene. I do some painting myself and really like it when my family can sit down and paint together. I also encourage my kids to do more artwork. The empowerment of art through a diverse lens will help bring equity to future generations. My hope is that we can bring diversity and equity to Jefferson county and become a hub of diverse artists.
Ralph Left Hand Bull
I started creating art when I was nine years old and it was a huge outlet for me to express myself. I am nowhere near a quality artist but I continue to create art in life. I have used several different mediums in my life and really enjoy participating in the creation of art no matter what it is. I have hand-painted several murals in my life and craft art out of metal. I am born and raised in Colorado and I am an enrolled member of my Tribe. My Tribe is the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and my band is called "Sicangu" or roughly translated it is the "burnt thigh" band. I am traditional and practice my indigenous traditions on a regular basis. I am happily married and have two wonderful daughters, we reside in the Jeffco area. I love the green open space beauty of Jeffco and really appreciate the peaceful energy of this area. I am an active member of the local 9 Sheet metal union and helped to finalize the Millenium Falcon which made its debut in the Saint Patrick's day parade in downtown Denver. I have participated in the Artocade car parade in Trinidad, Colorado. The vehicle I helped to paint is the "Canstein". in the last parade I was able to drive it in the parade, It was awesome and I recommend it to anyone who is willing to travel to southern Colorado for a great time in the art community. I am good friends with the previous director "Rodney Woods" who is a great abstract artist and sculptor. I have never been on an art committee but I feel really blessed to be part of this one and I look forward to our future creations in the 40 West Arts District.
Amber Varwig
Amber Varwig was born in Colorado Springs. Her family moved to the Metro Area 14 years ago, and she has lived in Lakewood for the last 5 years. She is a single mom of 3 boys, the caregiver for her mother, an avid reader, a sci-fi/fantasy fan, and perpetually tired. She is also the Founder and Co-director of the Lakewood Left Community Eats project, which feeds those in need.