Call for Entry: PaperWorks


A 40 West Gallery Exhibition


  •   Submission Deadline: Sunday June 8th, 2025 at midnight

  •   Artist Notification Date: Week of June 15th, 2025

  •   Art Drop-off Date: Wednesday July 2nd between 12pm-3pm

  •   Art Hanging: Thursday July 3rd at 1pm

  • Art Pickup: Wednesday July 30th, 2025 between 12pm-2pm

  •   Show Dates: July 4th - 27th, 2025

  • Artist Reception: July 11th, 2025 5pm-9pm



Paper, paper everywhere! A common material that comes in many forms, from high-end archival paper to cardboard and everything in between, paper lends itself nicely to creativity by all.

40 West Gallery asks artists of all levels of experience to explore the infinite possibilities of paper. Origami, paper quilling, paper mache, collage, drawings, printmaking, paintings, photographs, books, zines, handmade paper, paper sculpture; let your imagination run wild!


Submissions will be screened by a panel, including 40 West Arts curators and invited guest jurors, to ensure quality and applicability of work. Please note that depending on the number of submissions, our curation process, and other factors, not all submitted works are guaranteed entrance into our show. We will notify you within the timeframe indicated herein regarding the acceptance of your work(s).

Also note that while we strive to include works from as many artists as possible, please know that we do not tolerate submissions that promote hate, racism or violence against others. We reserve the right to refuse any submission that does not adhere to or promote our mission.


This exhibition is open to all professional and amateur artists. Both 40 West Arts members and non-members are invited to submit work. We are unable to accept mailed artwork, you must be able to drop off your artwork at 40 West Gallery.



Please read and follow all instructions:

Please note, there are three steps to complete your submission process.


  1. Fill out the PaperWorks submission form.

2. Pay any associated fees related to this exhibition ($5 per entry for 40 West member artists, $10 per entry for non-member artists). Artists may submit up to four hanging OR three 3-D works.

3. Send JPEG images of each work submitted to with each JPEG titled as follows: first name_last name_name of piece_dimensions. (Example: Juan_Lopez_Stars and Lines_8x10.jpg)

To rename JPEG files, right-click on the JPEG image on your computer, scroll down to ‘Rename’ and click, and then re-title your file with the correct naming convention).

GUIDELINES: Artists are invited to submit up to four hanging OR three 3-D works via email for consideration. (See details below on how to submit digital images for jurying). Application fees for this show are $5 per item for 40 West members and $10 per item for non-members. FREE for youth (under age 21) artists and students. Become a member of 40 West Arts District at (dues are only $40 per year).  40 West Arts will retain a 15% commission on all works sold. It is the artist’s responsibility to collect and remit local and state sales taxes for any work sold. All artwork must be framed and ready to hang, wire hangers are preferred and we do not allow the use of command strips in the 40 West Gallery, please include framing and matting in your artwork dimensions. Accepted art must reflect the image of the work that was submitted digitally for jurying. 40 West Arts reserves the right to reject any artwork not meeting these guidelines at any time. We will notify you within the timeframe indicated herein regarding the acceptance of your work(s).


You will receive emails prior to all dates confirming final information and details.




Questions? Email: | Learn more at